A Mobile Food Ordering App

A Mobile Food Ordering App

Compass Group Canada manages hundreds of onsite catering locations across the country, from hospitals to school campuses. Striving to improve speed of service and convenience; Compass contacted us to build an application allowing customers to pre-order their food on their mobile phone.

Working with Compass' team of mobile developers and busienss analysts, we began the process by conducting user research. We interviewed both regulars and occassional cafeteria visitors, and identified pain points in the current dining experience.

Compass Food Ordering App
Research Notes

We interviewed staff in the office buildings that Compass caters to. We found that, while they enjoyed taking a break for lunch, they hated waiting in long line-ups. They'd often avoid line-ups by bringing a lunch, choosing faster (pre-made) lunch options, or visiting outside peak times.

Compass Wireframes

We also found that users had daily routines regarding eating lunch; often dining at the same time with the same group of people. We designed a reservation flow that made it easy to choose an exact pick-up time. We also accounted for capacity management; disabling times in the case the restaurant had reached their order fullfilment capacity.

App Details

From left to right: Notifications letting you know your order is ready; "Next Available Pickup Time"; Favourited Items; Order Customization

Item Details Screen

The item details screen includes an item description, nutritional details, and the ability to favourite or Add to Basket.

Order Receipt

The order receipt screen includes the ability to print or email the receipt.

Mobile Wallet

The mobile wallet lets you pay in store, if you forgot to pre-order.