A Real Estate Startup

A Real Estate Startup

Real Matters took on a new business venture based on the following idea: home owners should have a way to monitor the value of their home over time. Tied into a network appraisers, this home valuation tool is able to estimate changes to the value of your home based on hundreds of dynamic variables. I led the design on the product, working together with the product owner and investors on the Real Matters team.

We began by identifying the target audience, and creating a set of personas around different types of home owners and property investors. We produced a marketing website to gauge interest in the product. Once the product built up enough momentum, we built a responsive dashboard giving users a glimpse into real time home valuation data never before seen at this scale. The information allows users to view changes on a real time basis; allowing them to make smarter decisions about when to move, rennovate or refinance their home.